The two I'm most excited about are:

It's a community for Coupon users! I've found so many amazing deals. Plus I like that I can search for current coupons on products I use. Check it out! There affiliate programs is easy. You start out with $3.00 just for signing up. I've only had it a week but I make .03 cents per click. I make more here a day than my blog right now ....LOL!
The next Affiliate for me just got approved today and I'm super excited about because I like the site and I've been a follower and a customer. So I'm happy to advertise for them.

Hopefully I'll have an update about how this affiliate works for me soon! If you are a crafter of any sort this is a site for you! You may even what to publish some of your tutorial or patterns via "You Can Make This .com :)
The other Affiliates I've tried are
Sponsored Tweets :
I'm not really thrilled with the advertisements. I've gotten a few $1-$2 ads to share but there not getting clicks and I can't say I'd click them either. I don't really want people to think I'm spamming on twitter either. I'll keep it but I'm only going to share things I would want to tweet myself.
My Likes
This pretty much like sponsored tweets only with more relevant ad. I like it better than sponsored tweets and have made a few $$$ from it but as with the other unless I really believe in the ad myself I don't want to spam these sites out.
I hope some of you bloggers can find this information useful.
Have any of you tried other means of Monetizing? What do you think of these sites? I'd love some feedback!
On a separate note I'm looking for unique bloggers and shops that might be interested in our site sponsoring a giveaway or me even a simple shout out/review for your blog or shop. It can be about a business, a tutorial or pattern. I've got a few neat giveaways in store in the coming months but I'd like to add on more. Please see our Advertising page and contact me using the contact tab if interested! I look forward to hearing from you and supporting your endeavors as well.
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