
Friday, November 23, 2018

Thanksgiving 2019

Hi! If you haven't noticed my blog/social media has been seriously neglected this year. I took on a full time job and unfortunately my business has had to take a back seat. 

I still love to crochet and knit but in this season I just don't have time to blog and design like I would love too. 

I don't intend to ever stop designing and enjoying this craft world. it's a huge part of me and my little buisness is still going to stick around with hopes of being able to balance it all and come back to it full force over time. 

This is my favorite time of year! I get to offer big savings to you and I get to crochet Christmas goodies for orders, friends and loved ones.

I'm just popping in to say enjoy some saving on my crochet patterns and if you need something special made don't wait to long because with my busier than ever schedule I only have time for so many orders. There are always a few last minute ones and I will do my best to make those happen. 

75% off all my designs in

Thank you so much for your continued support! 
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!