
Monday, March 21, 2011

Musician, Wife & Mother

I found a link party to help us fellow bloggers get to know each other a little better. Gina and Hiya Luv is hosting this fun party. Feel free to join in if you'd like. 


Growing up I always remember telling my mom "I want to be a Marine Biologist" I just liked dolphins a lot and though that would be totally cool. That passed and I figured a veterinarian would be more in my reach but being highly allergic to cats and very sensitive skin around dogs that too past me by. 

Going through High School I couldn't really ever pin down what I wanted to do. Nothing really stuck out to me except that I loved to play the piano and sing. I was in Jazz Band, choir, and a band aid. {yes I said band aid) I was highly involved in the music program at church whether it be playing solos, singing in groups or accompanying choirs and ensembles. 

I decided to go to a Heartland Baptist Bible College in Oklahoma City in 2000 right after I graduated college and pursue a degree in Music. Despite a few distractions of thinking I also needed to pursue my MRS. degree. {finding a husband} I did finish in 2004 right on schedule. I went back home and did the same things I was doing all before and all through college with music in my church. 

I still had no idea what to do with myself I just new I loved Music, wanted to find the man God had for me or at least sit back and let God do the work since I'd failed a few times over those years. {all long stories but good memories I wouldn't change for anything} 

I'd remembered one new years eve after college I'd written down some goals of where I wanted to be in five years: (in a nut shell)

1. I wanted to me married...LOL
2. I wanted to be a mommy
3. I wanted to teach piano

There was more but I'll keep it to that!

I recently found that paper in a Bible and was thinking about how blessed I was that God had allowed all those things on the list to be true to date. It amazing to me to see how God had a plan for me and that we really does want to give us the desires of our heart even if we don't deserve it. 

{My Jobs} 

My first job was as a carhop at a Sonic Drive in ( I said I'd never work fast food) 
but I loved it. It was the only waitress job making minimum wage plus tips and not waitress wages. Plus all my food was in bags and the cups had lids. I'm kinda clumsy so I needed all the help I could get. Would you believed I worked at Sonic for 7 years all the way up to Assistant Manager. It got me through college and that what I continued doing after. I didn't want to do this forever! 

After all those years my Dad offered me a job working for his company. Here's the fun part this would be work from home. I became the Administrative Assistant for a telecommunications company called Solutelia. My dad is the VP for this company and was getting overwhelmed with tedious paperwork. We did a lot of contract work so I searched for resumes, did paperwork, phone calls, filling , ordering parts, payroll and so much more.  I did that for over 2 years. In that time frame I got married and had my first baby. It was a perfect work from home job. There aren't many situations like that and I loved staying home with my baby and working. I had its challenges but I loved it. I became prego with Calleigh and wasn't sure I was going to be able to manage two kids and working at home plus the economy was down and so was the contract work. Sadly my dad had to make the hard decision to let me go which in a lot of ways has been a good thing. It's given me the opportunity to start Calleigh's Clips and Crochet Creations! However I needed to find work and that was a very scary 10 mo with out a pay check. 

I couldn't afford to go to work. I didn't want to go to work just to pay day care. it really wasn't worth it and I had no clue where to start and being 6 month prego people didn't exactly want to hire me ( or at least that's what I thought) they couldn't really come out and say that and then.....

{My Dream Job} 

Besides being a Wife and Mother I'm also a Piano Teacher with a small business to run! 

I checked with the college I graduated from to see if they needed any piano teachers and at the time they didn't but last minute before the school year they had a opening. So I've been teaching Piano lessons to College students at levels from Beginner to Intermediate for the past two years. It works out great because the Campus day care is free for Staff. I truly love it and I look forward to more years to come. 

So my job's hours change from semester to semester. I've had as many at 10- 21 students a semester. Plus I get summers off. I work part time a few days a week - from about 7:30- 12:00 depending on the day. I make my own schedule. Then I come home and take care of two crazy kids, two puppies and a Husbands who usually works weird hrs. For the first time he has a M-F job with normal hrs. I don't know what to do with the weekend now that he's home. LOL 

I hope you enjoyed reading a little bit about my Job and I look forward to reading more about you all too! Feel free to comment here about your job or career


Unknown said...

What a rewarding job as a piano teacher. My neighbor across the street growing up was a piano teacher and she was the nicest lady and I learned so much. Too bad I wasn't any good at piano and just wanted to play soccer. I wish now I would have had my priorities a little different, but hey its a little too late for that now. I am a new follower, of course coming from the hiya luv hop :)

Gina Thomas said...

wow! how amazing;) it sounds like i need to put complete trust and faith in God. I am struggling right now because I want a work from home job in the worst way but can't find one...i commute 3 hour round trip a day to philly and it is really difficult. again, loved your post and am so happy that you participated;)

Sarah B. said...

You've got quite the work history :). Did you wear roller skates at Sonic?? It's so great that you were able to work from home for a time too. I bet you're a great piano teacher :)

Elisabeth Spivey said...

Lauren - Welcome to my blog :) - It's never to late to learn just not as easy ! I love teaching college age kids!

Gina - Faith and Trust aren't always easy that's for sure. I feel so undeserving. I hate driving across town to work I can't imagine a long commute! Maybe in God's time that will change :) Thanks for stopping by and hosting a fun linky!

Sarah - I didn't try roller skates for a long time and only when we were slow. I was terrible at it. Quite a comical site! Good times :) Thanks for stopping by!

Amber W said...

Thanks for sharing your story! I always wanted to learn piano, still do really! Maybe one day :) I'm a new follower - glad we all linked up for the "bring your blogger to work day."

Elisabeth Spivey said...

Amber - Welcome! Glad you stopped by :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome how yuo got to find a job working in music! That's probably a tough field to find a steady job in. I was a total band geek in HS too (though we didn't have Band aid) but art won out, but it was close! :) Great story!

Mama Pea said...

Just want to say I enjoyed reading your story :)

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