
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Lace up with With Liz Update

It's been awhile since I've updated the blog! I took a break for summer to spend time with the kids and on me. August is an exciting month with the both my babies off to school and it being my birthday month. It sure will be awful quiet around the house all day. The good news is more time for crochet. I have lots planned for the coming months. New paid and free patterns, contests, giveaways and so much more! 

Note: This is more of a personal post update. So if you want to know more about me and current life events read on! This is also an introduction for those that know nothing about me. :) 

I'm a wife (7 years), mother of two  (5 & 6), I'm a christian, I love playing piano and I've been running my crochet business for almost 5 years come January. 

I've struggled with weight all my life. It's kinda of a roller coaster! After college I weighed about 160 pounds and mom and I did weight watchers together! I got down to a tiny 124! I remember people asking if I was sick! LOL I was so tiny! It felt great but I got comfy in life and pounds started to creep back in. Around the time frame I got married and we had our babies very close together and I let the pounds creep on! I made a few attempts to loose weight but every time I did I seemed to gain more! Was I really trying, not really. I just blamed it on baby weight! You can only blame baby weight so long. um since my baby is now 5 and starting kindergarten in less than two weeks.  I hated being over 200 pounds. I said I never would but guess what I did. I remember looking at 222 and thinking somethings got to change! 

In January I started making goals for the business and it hit me. I have no personal goals, no family goals, my life is business. It had over taken everything!!! I knew I had to change big time. So prayed about it and said it was time to make new priorities because my family has got to come 1st and my health too! Was that easy! No, we kinda depend on my income, but I was going to trust God to take care of us and you know what so far it's working. It's been a little scary but God provides in mysterious ways. 

I decided to try couch to 5K. It was brutal! I couldn't even run a minute. It made me angry but in a good way. I used to run in middle school (haha!) surely I can run now! It took a lot of work, determination and surviving a few injuries but you know what I haven't given up since. Who would have thought 6 months ago I could now run for 90 minutes and more! It's crazy to me how far I've come! 

It's been six months since I officially started a huge life change and weight loss journey. I've officially lost 40 pounds and 32 inches in those 6 months! 50 pounds total from last spring (but wasn't doing much about it then). I'm 18 pounds from my 1st major goal I set in January. According to my plan I should reach it in September but honestly I'm so excited where I am and I'm just taking it a pound or inch at a time.

 I exercise almost every day and have embraced running! I'm even planning on training for my 1st 1/2 marathon. Can I do it ?? We'll see. If I don't do the Route 66 in November. I'm going to do the OKC Memorial Marathon in April 2015. It terrifies me but I'm determined to do it!!! I've only done one run and it was a Color Run just for fun. I think I may need to run some smaller races 1st just for the experience. 

  I've completed Couch to 5K, Couch to 10K and currently working on a faster 5K. Since I'm kinda slow! 

Here are some of my new before and after pics! I'm going to try to get some current pics by September since these are from the beginning of July. 

Last week I started a page to encourage others like me and follow along the journey!  It's easy to sit and crochet all day! Now, that is hard for me, but I'm going to make it work because I still love to crochet and I love my job! 

I've encouraged and been encouraged by many of my crochet friends to stay fit and eat healthy! There is nothing better than accountability! Anywhoo, if you'd like to follow the new page I'd love to have you! It's called Lace up with Liz. You'll see daily posts about my workouts, even challenges you can do with me! I would love to keep you accountable. I'm just a normal girl who has struggled with weight my entire life. I'm not striving to be skinny! I just want to be healthy and active! 

Currently I'm doing a Squat Challenge and August Melt Off - You are more than welcome to do this with me. Even if you're just starting! I want to motivate you to move it, move it!! 

I hope you enjoyed this long read! I don't claim to be a good writer. English wasn't my favorite subject LOL! I just want to encourage you and be encouraged! THANKS!!! 

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