
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Button Star Earrings Tutorial

I'm in a crafty mood today. Button earrings are soooo easy! I've had the supplies but not made time to do it. With lots of Patriotic Holiday's coming Calleigh will be wearing lots of Red, White and Blue so I thought I'd make her some "pretties" as she calls them.

Button Star Earrings


Small Star buttons - got them at Hobby Lobby in a variety pack (4th of July section)
Earring posts and back findings
Small rhinestones - in any color :)
Hot Glue Gun and glue sticks-


Step 1: Plug in your glue gun...(lol) I always forget. 

 *Put a small dab of hot glue on to the earring posts then glue on the star buttons

Step 2: I don't like my hot glue to show. It's just s pet peeve of mine. Your going to put a small dab of glue on the rhinestone and glue it over the button holes.  

That's it! There you go! super cute star earrings! 

I couldn't get Calleigh to smile here she is wearing them.

I have a few other earrings I've been meaning to put backs on. 

These are a few I crocheted a while back that needed the findings attached. Simple but cute. I got the idea from Mandy over at Mandipidy. Two are the basic circle and the pair on the far right are my twist on them. 


  1. Thanks Calleigh! I love all the earrings... and your twist on the circle earrings is super cute! :)

  2. LOL, I feel like a moron! I know your name is Elisabeth ;)

  3. LOL Thanks! That's okay! I like to call that "mommy or prego brain" Now you have an excuse :) Hope you are doing and feeling well!

  4. I love the pic of Calleigh, the earrings are cute too.


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